Lowton Junior & Infant School

Information about High Schools

Primary Transition

Please find below links to some of our local High Schools:-

Lowton Church of England High School

Transition information from Lowton Church of England High School

Please contact the school directly on 01942 767040 for further information relating to primary transitions.

Golborne High School

Transition information from Golborne High School

At Golborne we understand that the transition to high school can be a big step for both pupils and parents alike.  We value and enjoy close relationships with our local Primary schools and do everything we can to make the transition as smooth as possible. We ensure that pupils are given plenty of opportunities to visit our school on taster days, transition days, parents evenings, open evening and new intake days so that they can familiarise themselves with their new surroundings.

Year 6 pupils are given transition work to complete during the Summer term and Summer holidays which covers all the subjects that they will study in Year 7. This work will challenge and stretch the pupils and give them an insight into the work that is planned for Year 7.

We believe that one of the best ways to find out more about our school is to come and visit us.  We welcome parents and pupils during the school day. A member of the Senior Leadership Team will show you round our school. This will give you the perfect opportunity to see the school and our pupils on a normal day and it will give you a great insight into daily life and the high standards that we set at Golborne High School.


Culcheth High School

Transition information from Culcheth High School

Transition liaison meetings with primary school teachers, which includes careful discussion about all students, are conducted by the Assistant Headteacher and the Year 7 Progress Leader.  This dialogue permits the early identification of individual needs in order to facilitate a smooth transition to Culcheth High School and encouragement rapid progress to be made from the start of year 7.

From the start of year 7, students are placed in appropriate sets to their ability based upon the data collected during the Primary Transition and following the issue of Key Stage 2 Test results.


Newton Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 2AW

