Lowton Junior & Infant School

The Year 3 class value is Be Curious

Friday 11th October 2024

This week in maths, we have been adding and subtracting ones, tens, and hundreds. The children then explored the pattern between the equations.

In English, we have been writing letters from Tom's character to his grandad. The children have been editing their work and using a variety of vocabulary and punctuation.

In science, we have been studying the formation of soil. The children handled samples of soil to explore its composition. As we expected, we found little bits of rock and decaying plants.

In history, the children have been learning about how Bronze Age tools were made and how they were much stronger than stone-made tools.

In art, we have been sketching rocks by torchlight, focussing on light and shadow, and using charcoal to create texture and colour. They all looked amazing!

New EdShed tasks are now live. Please encourage your child to complete the tasks to support their spellings. Please see the previous post for a copy of this week's spellings should you need them.

Have a lovely weekend.
Mr Booth

Friday 4th October 2024

Weekly Roundup
Here is a little of what we have been up to this week.
This week in maths, we have been counting in 50s and looking at how the 5 times table can support us with this. We have also started our work on addition and subtraction, applying number bonds to 10 to help us add numbers to 100.
In English, we have been writing letters using first-person pronouns and including events from the book.
In science, we explored how fossils are created. We discussed that fossils can only be found inside sedimentary rocks due to how the rock is formed.
In history, the focus was on Stonehenge. The children explored different possible reasons for why it was built and came to their own conclusions.
In art, the children have used charcoal to create amazing images of rocks. They looked closely at the shape and texture and explored light and shadow.
This week's homework tasks have been set on EdShed and are now live (although the children have already been on in class this afternoon and may have completed them already!)
Have a great weekend. See you next week.
Mr Booth


Friday 27th September 2024

Good afternoon, I hope you are all well.

This week in maths we have been counting up to 1000. The children have been estimating numbers on a number line and finding 1, 10 and 100 more or less than any number.

In English, we have finished reading our book Seal Surfer. The children have been role playing the different characters and writing descriptions of them.

In science, we have been investigating the permeability of different types of rocks. They were very excited to see how some rocks contained little pockets of air and caused bubbles in the water.

In history, we have been learning about Skara Brae and how the findings of a Neolithic settlement have helped us to imagine what life would have been like there.

In RE, we have been discussing what makes a good leader and looking at different leaders and their roles. We will then be linking this to Christianity next week.

I will be setting a new spelling and maths activity to complete on Ed Shed shortly.

Have a great weekend, see you next week.
Mr Booth


Friday 20th September 2024

This week in maths we have been continuing our work on place value. We have been representing and partitioning numbers to 1000.

In English, we have been writing in first person and producing diary entries. We have also been using the senses to describe settings.

In science, we have been testing the hardness of different rocks and learning about the rock types- igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary.

In RE, the children have been discussing people who influence others and do good.

In History, the children explored the similarities and differences between the early and late Stone Age periods.

Have a great weekend, see you all next week.

Mr Booth


Friday 13th September 2024

Good afternoon everyone. It's been a busy week in Year 3.
In maths, we have continued our work on place value. We counted in hundreds and looked at how many tens make a hundred.

In English, we have been using prepositions to describe where things are and using them in our descriptions. We also started to look at speech and role played parts from the book.

In science, we handled and explored different types of rocks. The children then organised and grouped them by their size, texture and colour.

In history, we have started to explore the Stone Age. We created a large timeline on the playground to help us understand about prehistory and just how long ago the Stone Age was.

In Spanish, the children really impressed Mrs Daly with their amazing pronunciations as they continued to explore the phonics of the language.

In art, we have been learning about the work of Laura McKendry, a British artist who uses charcoal to create images of animals.

Many thanks for your continued support with reading at home. Lots of children have already gained many dojos!
We will begin setting spelling homework very soon too.

Have a lovely weekend. See you all next week.
Mr Booth

Friday 6th September 2024

What a wonderful first week back in school! The children have all really impressed me with their efforts and have settled into new routines really quickly.

This week in maths we have started to explore the place value of numbers up to 100. The children have been using equipment to make numbers and partitioning them into tens and ones.

In English, the children have been correcting and improving sentences as well as looking at clues about our new class book and writing expanded noun phrases to describe the story setting.

In science, we will be learning about rocks and fossils this half term. The children explored what they already knew about rocks and where they come from.

I was very impressed with the children's singing in our music lessons this week. We have been learning a new song and practicing performing it.

In art, the children had lots of fun exploring charcoal. We used different methods to mark make in preparation for our final piece at the end of the unit. Next lesson we will be exploring the work of artists that use charcoal in their work.

Many thanks for your support in reading at home so far, every little helps. Please continue to write in your child's reading record so we can award dojos to the children.

Have a lovely weekend. See you all next week.
Mr Booth

Newton Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 2AW

