Lowton Junior & Infant School

The Year 2 class value is Be Kind

Friday 11th October 2024

In maths this week we have been learning more about counting and placing 10s and 1s along a number line from 0-100. We then moved on to estimating where numbers between 0-100 would be along blank number lines, using our knowledge of place value to make our estimates more accurate
In English, we have now read to the end of Troll Swap. We wrote diaries in role as Tabitha and have begun to map out our own version of the troll swap story. The children have been working hard to include expanded noun phrases, subordination and coordination in all of their writing this week.
In science this week we have been looking at and comparing the different stages of the human lifecycle. We have also been learning more about what animals, including humans needs to survive. We worked in pairs to research what a chameleon, stick insect or budgerigar would need to survive.
In history we have been looking at how housing has changed though time along Newton Road. We are looking forward to going out in the local area for a history walk next week.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Crosbie


Friday 4th October 2024

This week in maths we have been continuing to focus on place value. We have been learning to write numbers in their expanded form and have been practising accurate counting in tens and ones. 
In English, we are really enjoying reading Troll Swap by Leigh Hodgkinson. We have been creating our own troll characters and have been writing descriptions, focusing on using expanded noun phrases, subordination and coordination.
In History we have looked at the books 'A Street Through Time' and 'The Street Beneath My Feet'. We have started to think about how Newton Road has changed through time and what it was like in the past. 
The children are really enjoying hockey skills in PE and are looking forward to being able to play some mini hockey matches at the end of this half term. 
As part of 'Black History Month' each class will be learning about a significant historical figure of black heritage - over the next week or so Year 2 will be learning more about Rosa Parks. 
Have a great weekend,
Miss Crosbie


Friday 20th September 2024

We have had a busy week in Year 2. 
In maths we have been learning more about partitioning two-digit numbers, with a focus on using a part part whole model for flexible partitioning. 
In English, we are really getting the hang of using expanded noun phrases and I have seen some fantastic use of these in independent writing tasks!
On Friday afternoon in art we have been exploring the idea of ‘artists as collectors’. We used our sketchbooks to make visual lists as we studied the work of both Andy Goldsworthy and Alice Fox
Have a great weekend,
Miss Crosbie.


Friday 13th September 2024

We’ve had another great week in Year 2.

In maths we have been representing numbers in different ways, counting in jumps of 10 and have begun to look at tens and ones in a two digit number.

In English we have been consolidating our knowledge of nouns and adjectives. We started to use simple noun phrases in our writing.

We have been amazed by some of the children’s knowledge of animals in science - particularly when talking about animal classification.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Crosbie


Newton Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 2AW

