At Lowton Junior and Infant School, we aim to:
- Provide a broad, ambitious and high quality science curriculum
- Increase pupil’s substantive knowledge and develop pupil’s working scientifically skills
- Prepare our pupils for a life in an increasingly scientific and technological world
- Encourage our pupils to be curious and inquisitive and promote a love of science
- Ensure that the majority of pupils leave Key Stage 2 as expected standard in science
Through science lessons, the children will acquire, develop and apply key knowledge and vocabulary that has been carefully identified within each unit, as well as the application of different scientific skills. We will ensure that disciplinary knowledge and skills are revisited and developed regularly so that pupils can confidently apply their substantive knowledge of science when using equipment, conducting experiments, building arguments, explaining concepts and asking questions. Our science curriculum is also carefully structured to ensure maximum opportunities for cross-curricular links. At Lowton J&I we aspire for children to understand how science fits into their everyday lives. They are able to make scientific links with maths, geography, computing and music amongst other subjects.
Curriculum overview
Progression of skill
Progression of Vocabulary
SMSC and British Values in Science
Newton Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 2AW