The Reception class value is to Have Fun
Friday 10th January 2025
The children have settled very well this week after coming back from the Christmas holidays. We have been thinking about our new school value “Individual Liberty” and talking about our rights to have choices whilst still following rules.
We received a mysterious letter from a Meerkat asking us to watch fun fact about Meerkats! The children believe our new class story is all about Meerkats!
In maths, we have been practising our counting skills and finding the total numbers as well as measuring long and short objects.
In phonics we have been learning the sounds: ay, ee, igh, oa, (Long) oo (short) oo and writing these sounds in words.
And the tricky words:
The, go, I, know, he, we, she, to, you, was, be, my,
- PE days are now on a Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure your child is wearing a full PE kit on these days.
- Please can we ask that children read at home 4 times per week to practice their reading skills. This will help them to practise the sounds that they have been taught in class and build up their fluency skills.
- All parents have been sent home a “Parent Overview” this will give you an idea of the topic “Here There and Everywhere” that we will be covering this term.
- Snack money is now due. This will be £5 for the term.
Miss Outram and the Reception team
Friday 6th September
Hello and welcome to Reception! I am Miss Outram your child’s class teacher along with Mrs Goulding and Mrs O’Brien who are the classroom teaching assistants. We are really excited for the upcoming year and working with your children to help them to learn and grow!
Here is some key information and dates for the upcoming term:
· PE sessions are on a Monday and Friday so please ensure that your child is wearing their full PE kits on these days.
· Snack is given daily and we have a selection of fruit on offer. This is £5 every half term.
· Please bring in a spare backpack of clothing to be kept in school on your child’s peg.
· Home challenges are given out every Friday and we ask that you complete these with your child to help with their learning. Reading books are changed once a week and we would like the children to read at home at least 4 times a week to help them practise their newly taught sounds.
· Our Phonics workshop will take place on Wednesday 11TH September at 9am and 5pm. This will give you lots of information on how you can support your child when reading a home.
· Please bring in photographs of your child with their family so that we can share them in class and use them on our display.
This week we have spent lots of time getting to know the children and learning about our classroom rules and routines. All of the children have been fantastic and had so much fun with their new friends! Our current topic is “Who Am I” and we have been talking about our families and how special they are. They have also met the Numberblocks 1,2 and 3!
Look out on our next class blog and Dojo to see what we get up to next week!
Miss Outram
Newton Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 2AW